Regex to Split Single Line Address

I had the need come up in a project to split an address that gets inputted in a single line and has no validation. Apart from the obvious fix of requiring validation and saving the fields in different columns I had to come up with the best way to to split out that address so that we could wrap it in a rich snippet. This is a Regex I found, I cannot find it if someone knows the original source/author please let me know so I can give the correct credit.

Since I am having such a hard time finding anything that is close to this I figured it necessitated a blog post to get the information out there.

//Splits Address formatted like this.. 1045 E Test Lane, Gilbert, AZ 85296
Regex splitAddressRegex =
new Regex(@"(?(^[^,]*,[^,]*,[\w\s]*$) # If check Condition for 2 commas if so match below
(?[^,]*)    # Place into capture group Line1
(?:,\s)     # Match but don't place into capture.
(?[^,]*)    # Place into capture group City
(?:,\s)     # Match but don't place into capture.
(?\w\w)     # Place into capture group State
(?:\s*)     # Ignore spaces
(?[\d\-]*)  # Place int Zip
(?:$|\r\n)  # Match/No group either $ or \n\r
|           # Else its a bigger address
(?[^,]*)    # Place into capture group Line1
(?:,\s)     # Match but don't place into capture.
(?[^,]*)    # Place into capture group Line1
(?:,\s)     # Match but don't place into capture.
(?[^,]*)    # Place into capture group City
(?:,\s)     # Match but don't place into capture.
(?\w\w)     # Place into capture group State
(?:\s*)     # Ignore spaces
(?[\d\-]*)  # Place int Zip
(?:$|\r\n)  # Match/No group either $ or \n\r
)", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace);

It’s a pretty in-depth and ugly Regex but you end up with the address split into groups. So if you run the address: 1045 E Test Lane, Gilbert, AZ 85296

You end up with groups such as..

matchedAddress.Groups["Line1"].Value //1045 E Test Lane

The comments in the Regex snippet show you the group names. Again, I did not make this and would love to give credit but can’t find the original source and definitely want to have it published as it saved me a lot of time.

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